Saturday, August 9, 2008

getting ready

Tomorrow we leave for our trip to Montana.the last few days have been really busy because we have gone to see people like our aunt who is camping in Wisconsin and visiting my moms friend and going swimming. today we have friends who live in Ely who are coming back from Massachusetts and spending the night before the return home.



Gretchen said...

what an adventure! Take pictures and say hi to Sam. Love, Gretchen

Beverly said...

Montana sounds great! I hope you have fun, and keep writing for those of us who have never been there.

Pattie said...

Hey guys! It's 9:15! Have you left on schedule? Charlie, is your cast still on? Ben, do you have lots of stuff to do in the car? Do you have lots of snacks? Steven's favorite snack in the car is funyoins (Aunt Nancy's influence). Catherine says her favorite depends on where we're going. Allie says she can't eat in the car because she gets motion sick. (She even gets sick at the Omimax.) This is not a fun clean up job for the mom! I always smash car sick pills in her pre-travel meal. It's usually in the peanutbutter toast. There's not many breakfast foods where a mom can hide dramamin. Got any ideas for me? I understand how she feels because I used to get sick whenever my parents drove me out of the city limit! Do you guys watch movies or listen to books on tape?
Will you be back for the big spy party?

Goldiefox said...

Hey road-trippers! How is the new tent? Ben I have a really good picture of you reading in there on Saturday - I will email it to your mom's email account so you can see it. Thank you for coming to see me in Wisconsin on Friday! You guys rock! XOXOXO

PS - Willie wants me to remind you to MOVE TO HIGHER GROUND!

Nancy G said...

okay guys - I have talked to you so I know you are on your way -- where's the updated blog -- are you having trouble finding wireless connections -- you need to tell everyone about how you helped the Park Ranger keep the world safe for democracy